The “Stupid Simple” Way You Can Sign Your FIRST Copywriting Client From Anywhere In The World With Nothing But Google Docs

(taught by two of your favorite "modern copywriters"…)

Marcos Chavez

Generated just over six-figures in revenue across four different niches as a beginner copywriter

Ben Raham

Generated thousands for the top producers in the info. space like Andy Elliot & Brad Lea

Let me guess…❌ You’ve been trying for weeks (maybe even months) to land your first copywriting client, but you’re completely lost.❌ You’ve tried everything from PAS to “you doin’ anything with email rn?”❌ Or maybe you’re seeing everyone landing clients left and right, but you just don’t understand why you’re not one of them.If that describes you, you’re in the right place.But the truth is…it’s not your fault.I mean…how could it be?Every guru and their grandma is selling a copywriting course that isn’t designed to get you results.It’s designed to put money in THEIR pocket.That’s why I’m completely flipping the tables.And if you keep reading, you’re going to understand what it really takes to land your first copywriting client.Without:Another fancy outreach scripts that oversaturate the DM’s and honestly just piss the market offAn overly-complicated marketing process (reinventing the wheel is stupid, you just need a simple system)Having any freaking prior experience in business (that’s right…you can 1000% be a noob and still make money)But I will say this…You’re gonna need to focus.There’s a reason why owning a profitable business is so rare.People can’t focus on doing anything productive for more than 30 seconds.And if you’re not willing to focus for 5 minutes to read this page…You might as well leave - because I won’t be able to help you.But if you keep reading…Well, I guess you’ll find out how fast your life can change....but before I get into all the juicy stuff,

You’re Probably Wondering Who I Am Or Why You Should Even Listen To Me

I am not just your typical copywriting guru living in Miami making top dollar off your low-cost copywriting labor…(like a little red birdie we all know)I’m not trying to sell you on the idea of copywriting because I want more people inside of my “sales funnel” or using my info-products& I refuse to claim that I am the best copywriter in the world without showing you why I actually am the best hahahaha✅ Took my audience from 0 to 1,600 subcribers, 1,100 community members, and 20+ paying students...Took my client from $200 to $71k revenue in 30 days✅ Took my client from $0 to $36k this month in wholesale dealssO i gUeSs ThAt MaKeS mE A sIx-fIgUrE cOpYwRiTeR...Truth is NO ONE CARES(...unless it's them doing it)When I first found copywriting just over 3 months ago...I was a (somewhat) regular 19-year old aspiring entrepreneur.❌ I didn’t know what the future had in store for me one bit at this point in my life.❌ I had just quit my content agency FOR good (throwing away thousands of dollars each month in return for my sanity)❌ To make everything worse, my girlfriend had JUST broken up with me, this is the same girl I thought I would marry…...all my fears and failures finally had caught up to me.Little did I know, I was in the perfect position to grow.

It wasn’t until we BOTH found copywriting that our lives changed… FOREVER

Ben has entered the chat… Dang Marcos, that got a little deep…And yeah, we are tag teaming this page. (bet you’ve never seen this before)Actually Ben, I HAVE seen tag-teaming online before… 😏😏Bro.. what-?!?!Anyway, let me tell you a bit about myself:(insert flashback sounds)Just 5 months ago, I was working at LA Fitness selling gym memberships to people who I knew would never show up anyway.My boss at the time reminded me every single day of 1 thing…“You’re never going to make it in the sales game…you’re too shy”So I did the only logical thing…I quit my job with no backup plan.❌ My girlfriend thought I was a lunatic❌ My parents were scared for me❌ And my dog…well he still loved meNo savings…No business knowledge…And barely any good habits…Fast forward to now, I am making more than my old boss every single month (at half his age)I’ve gotten flown out to Vegas to write for Brad Lea.Andy Elliott invited me to his in-person event just a few weeks ago as of writing this…(and yes, he’s just as intense in person)But let’s be honest, you don’t care about any of that shiny stuff, do you?You just care about one thing…HOW…?!??!!Well, it all started with…

The 4-step DAILY routine that ensured our success with getting clients
(as complete beginners without ANY results…)

No stupid PAS, DIC, or AIDA frameworks…None of those saturated outreach messages…(I was never doing anything with email anyway)And no courses taught by rich bald twins...It was a routine that took a lot of sweat, patience, & failure.(it’s the exact routine you’re going to learn in the next few minutes)It got us both our first clients, and the next, and the one after that too.For me…it took 23 days.For me… it took only 9 days (suck it Ben aha loser)…anyway…The routine is powerful but it’s not what you think…You can do it anywhere in the world with only a laptop (Marcos did it on a chromebook)✅ You could literally only have a grand total of 4 brain cells and still make this work (Marcos has 2 ⅓ brain cells , so…)AND it requires exactly 0 skill to be qualified. (I probably could teach this to Marcos… basically is a 3rd grader)….bruh, what the fu-It simply allows us to get INCREDIBLY good at anything, crazy fast.I bet you’re shaking in your boots rn.You probably wanna know what the routine is, huh?Notice how you’re still reading?That’s because I haven’t given you the exact routine that allowed me and Marcos to land ALL our clients.It’s called an open loop.And yes, there’s more tactics like that on this page. (see if you can count them all)Anyway, I guess I’ll spill all the sauce now…

Here is EXACTLY how our Daily
4-Step Beginner Copywriting Routine will help you get your FIRST client fast
(without ANY added stress or headache…)

And no, it doesn't take a zillion hours every day.In fact, it only took me 4:Hour 1: Analyzing PROVEN copy to understand the different patterns I could apply into my free outreach (and make clients pants move up when they read my copy)Hour 2: Research & writing copy, the reason I say research is because without this step you simply will never write copy that is good enoughHour 3: Doing client acquisition at a VERY small yet effective scale, make content, do free value outreach, get clients, repeatHour 4: THE MOST IMPORTANT PART... Feedback, feedback, feedback.Seriously FEEDBACK is the reason WHY you’re not successful… yetNow, I know what you’re thinking…What the actual FRICK is feedback?This is where my boy, Cooper (da goat) comes into playCooper had NO idea how he should be doing outreach from what I could tellHe would send the outreach, get no response, and be confused as monkey balls as to why.That was until SOMEONE (aka me) was able to review, repurpose, and revive his outreach.THANKS TO FEEDBACK, Cooper didn’t get stuck in the beginner hell (kind of like you’re in rn)Instead… He made $1,500 in a SINGLE day at just 17 years old writing for of writing this sales page, he has closed 2 clients for his new offer that we helped him build from scratch)And I already know what’s going through your mind rn…

“Why are you even telling me this in the first place?! Get to the point”

Alright look, here’s the bottom line:The reason why cooper was able to win so quick is because he got feedback from people who have walked the exact path he’s on.And without it, he would have struggles for weeks (maybe even months)...just to get his first client.That being said…let me introduce my big evil plan for why I’m writing this in the first place.After looking at over one thousand copywriters personally inside of my free discord “Copy Crew”Ben & I realized their BIGGEST problem wasn’t their bad outreach, or their low volume, or the fact they couldn’t pick a niche.No, none of that really played a role in comparison to the real issue.You see, these guys knew the steps.They knew where they wanted to go.But they didn’t know how to improve.Every time they threw copy-flavored spaghetti at the wall, it never stuck.Leaving all the copywriters inside Copy Crew more & more unmotivated with zero clue as to why nothing was working…So Ben & I took weeks breaking down exactly how we went from knowing absolutely nothingTo signing our first clients in a matter of days.And we call it:Copy Crew+ (cool name, huh?)Now here’s where stuff gets REAL juicy…

Copy Crew+ is the first & last place you have to look in order to start, profit, and scale as a copywriter

Yep, you read that right.We’ve designed Copy Crew + to be your 1-stop-shop for making stupid amounts of money as a copywriter.And I know you’re probably wondering how we actually do that.So let me show you…(and don’t worry, we’re keeping it simple)


This is where it all begins.Your offer is the single most important part of your business.“Why?” I hear you ask…Because it is the big shiny diamond you place in front of people.And if they buy it, you make buckets of cash.So all you have to do is make it incredibly easy to say yes to and almost impossible to say no to.And that’s exactly what we’re going to teach you how to do.


“Ugh…”I know, I know.Everybody’s least favorite part.At least, that’s what you think right now.But I promise you, once you start racking in some benjamin'sYou will become addicted.That’s why we teach you the outreach methods that are working for us, right now, inside our own copywriting agencies.No more cheesy one-liners, bait ‘n whatever tactics, or getting left on seen.You’re getting proven systems that are working right now to fill our calendars."bUt wHat dO i dO iF mY cAlenDar iS fuLl"


Everybody makes sales seem way more complicated than it actually is.Wanna know the secret?SOLVE PROBLEMS.Exactly like I’m doing right now.(cough cough - in case you haven’t caught on yet…this is a SALES LETTER)“Oh no! I just broke a rule of copywriting and told you this was a sales letter…what ever shall I do!….”Truth is… you can focus on these minor tactics all day long.But if you don’t actually solve any problems for anyone, you’re not going to make any money.In layman's terms: solving problems = money in your checking account.That’s why you’re going to get the start to finish blueprint we use to close clients right now. (so you never have to stutter on a sales call again)And last but not least, we will be giving you feedback every single week so you can constantly improve your sales, outreach, or straight up copy skills.So, just to recap…

Here’s EVERYTHING You’re Getting Inside
Copy Crew +...

✅ The Full Offer Creation Masterclass: How To Create Incredibly Persuasive Offers Anytime You Want That People Seriously Can’t Say No To VALUE: $997The Only Outreach Guide You’ll Ever Need: Learn To Turn Strangers Into Loyal Customers With Just 1 Hour Of Work Every Day VALUE: $897✅ Our Proven A-Z Sales Blueprint: The “What-To-Say” On A Sales Call From Start To Finish In Order To Make People Give You Their Money (ethically of course…) VALUE: $897The Direct Response Launchpad: The Principles Of Marketing That Are Proven To Make Anyone Buy Anything…Placed Right In The Palm Of Your Hand VALUE: $697The Complete Fulfillment Playbook: Learn How To Write ANY Type Of Copy Fast (Even If You Failed High School English Class) VALUE: $497Our “Belief-Breaking” Mindset Training: How To Reprogram Your Mind To Stack The Odds In Your Favor (Without Studying Psychology For 6 Years) VALUE: $497The 7-Day Copywriting Roadmap: Everything You Need In One Place To Kick-Off Your Copywriting Journey And Land Your First Client ASAP VALUE: $297A Community Full Of Like-Minded Copywriters Who Will Give You Incredible Value Without Your Consent VALUE: $247✅ 3 Weekly Calls Where Me & Ben Will Review Your Copy LIVE, Answer Any Questions You Have, And Give You 1 Hour Of Pure Copywriting Sauce Every. Single. Week. VALUE: $247


Oh, and don’t worry…That’s just the tip of the iceberg.You’re also going to get every single bonus I could think of.(And yes, this is another one of those “copywriting tactics that I’m never supposed to actually share”)Let me introduce to you…

The Most Valuable Bonus Stack For Copywriters You’ve Ever Seen

✅✅ “Ben’s Bangin Outreach Method” (I Told Myself I Would Gatekeep This Strategy…But It Works Too Well To Keep Behind Walls) VALUE: $247✅✅ New Courses Every Single Month On Whatever Topic You’re Struggling With (So You Can Keep Getting More Value Without Paying Anything Extra) VALUE: $247✅✅ $10k Worth Of Copywriting Books That Will Turn You Into A Master Marketer In A Matter Of Days VALUE: $197✅✅ Marcos’ “Content Notion Dashboard”: He Scaled His Content Agency to $10k/mo Using This (And You Can Steal It To Make Even More) VALUE: $997✅✅ The Sales Page Breakdown Vault (We Expose All The Tactics The Most Profitable Sales Pages Use To Make Millions Of Dollars) VALUE: VALUE: $47✅✅ The Value Hub: Every Single Coaching Call We’ve Ever Taken, All In One Place (So You Never Have To Miss One. Ever.) VALUE: $247


Phew…that was a lot of typing.Well, considering that you just saw an absolute mountain of value (that you’re getting)…The next logical thing I need to show you is some proof that this actually works.So get ready…because there’s a lot.

Told you so.Anyways, that “buy now” button you’ve been searching for is right here.I'll see you inside.


Oh, you’re still reading?Guess you must need some kind of guarantee in order to join…right?Well, here’s the thing about slapping a guarantee on an offer like this…

The information inside is so revolutionary, you will literally NOT be able to forget our product…

So for this reason… we don’t offer a refund. (nor will you want one)We’ve also figured out that spending your own money on something like this makes you pay more attention.If I said “yeah it’s absolutely free…forever….A lot of people would get in.But pretty much nobody would change their life.So if you’re the type of person who needs a guarantee on a $100 (insanely valuable) course…Then this probably isn’t for you.But if you’re going back and forth with the devil & angel on your shoulders.Take it from someone who’s spent almost $10k on education… take that next step...Like I said before, the one thing that will fast track your success is to spend money.So don’t wait.

Wow, you’re a tough cookie to crack...Alright, well here’s my last ditch effort to get you to change your life.Urgency ;)But none of that fake stuff guru’s use to make you panic if you don’t buy.This is real.You see, our goal is to show this information to as many people as we can.We’re gonna be making content, running ads, all the fun stuff.In other words…more people will join every month. (a lot more)And when that happens, the info will become less valuable.So we’re going to increase the price of the program every 10 members to make sure it stays valuable for those who are actually serious about becoming successful.I repeat…it won’t be long before the price raises again.You are literally buying this at the cheapest price possible.

ALRIGHT, So Here’s What I’m Thinkin’ Right Now

You only have 3 choices:1) You can click off this (super nice) page and never see us again :(2) You could try to walk this path yourself. But let’s be real for a second…If you’ve been doing that, and it’s not working…It might be time for a change.Which leads me to…3) You could put your back against the wall, get direct help from people who have done exactly what you want to do and basically force yourself to win.Obviously, you know which one I’d pick.But the choice is ultimately yours.